Sale Results:
64 Lots Grossed $352,100.00 and Averaged $5,501.56
High Selling Cow/Heifer Calf Pair
Lot 53A & 53B - Haroldson’s Abby 48Y 12D sired by Haroldsons WLC Rhino ET 48Y and her calf Haroldson’s AH Abby 50E 65G sired by Haroldson’s Traction ET 50E was purchased by Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords, Mississauga, ON and Grasslands Ag Services Ltd., Wood Mountain, SK for a total of $13,250.00
High Selling Bred HeifersLot 57 - Haroldson’s Ella ET 233F sired by Haroldson’s Totem 200Z 5D was purchased by Starry Cattle Co., Oxbow, SK for $10,000.00
Lot 58 - Haroldson’s HLV Marvel 161E sired by Haroldsons Delta ET 69A was purchased by Gillespie Hereford Ranch, Wymark, SK and FCI Herefords, St-Romain, QC for $10,000.00
High Selling Heifer CalvesLot 55 - Haroldson’s SCC Marvel ET 280G sired by Haroldson’s Insight ET 201D was purchased by Steven Knutson, Moosomin, SK and RSK Farms, Brandon, MB for $53,000.00
Lot 52B - Haroldson’s Marvel ET 43G sired by TH 403A 475Z Pioneer 358C ET was purchased Anita Doktor, Red Deer, AB for $18,000.00
Lot 52A - Haroldson’s Marvel ET 44G sired TH 403A 475Z Pioneer 358C ET was purchased by Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB for $10,250.00